Our mission for the Children’s Ministry at Mt. Zion is to make, mature and mobilize strong disciples for Christ. We encourage children to develop an authentic relationship with Jesus and we partner with their families in raising their children in faith.  At Mt. Zion, children learn the stories in the Bible, serve on mission teams and are challenged to put their Christian values into practice on a daily basis.  We believe it is important to have a creative, imaginative ministry that will encourage children and families to commit to their own Christian growth as we all strive together to walk in the light of Christ. 

For the safety of all of our children, we require all teachers, assistants, and parents who work with children at Mt. Zion to have a background check and go through Safe Sanctuary training.

New Information Form for All Children: Click Here!



Childcare for all children, infants through 3 years old, is available every Sunday

from 8:30 am-12:00 pm in Room 101 of the Education Building.

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School meets during the 9:45 hour for Children. We have 3 classes for children:
Infants through age 3 meets in Room 101
Age 4 through 1st Grade meets in Room 107
2nd through 5th Grades meets in Room 214
All rooms are located in the Education Building.

Children's Church
Children's Church is offered during the 8:30 & 11:00 worship services after Children's Time.
They meet in Room 107 of the Education Building.

Other Events AND Programming

throughout the Year


During the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services, acolytes are needed to light the alter candles. Those children who are rising third grade and older can contact the church office to get more information on training and scheduling. 

Children's Christmas Musical

Every year our children perform a Christmas Musical that is the first Sunday in December at 3:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Spontaneous Christmas Pageant

Children arrive at church 20 minutes prior to the 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Services, to select costume, and participate in a reader’s theater version of the Christmas story.

Easter Egg Hunt

Community wide Easter Egg Hunt for all ages of children. Fun, games, devotion and hunting for eggs on the front lawn of the church on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. 

Summer Activities

Vacation Bible School, Music & Arts Camp, and Midweek at the Mount will be offered again in summer of 2023! Please check back for more details.

Hand Chime Choir for 2nd-5th Graders

This opportunity meets on Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. in the Bell Room of the lower level of the Sanctuary.

Kids Club

Meets during the fall and spring every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. All preschool children through fifth grade aged students are invited to join. In this gathering we do various hands-on projects to explore God's Word and learn praise music.

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat is the Sunday before October 31st each year at 5:00 p.m. for children that are in preschool through 5th Grade. Costumes are optional (not too scary, please) and it’s always a fun night!


If you are interested in volunteering with our Children's Ministries, please contact Pastor Lauren.